Website managed by
Haus der Natur - Cismar
Scaphopoda Scaphopoda

Dear friends of scaphopod molluscs,

the free (but copyrighted) scaphopod references database is based in its paleontological part primarily on the list published by Engeser & Riedel in the internet at "Theo and Frank´s Home Page on Fossil Scaphopoda" with more than 1 500 references. An updated list (2001) from Theo Engeser was incorporated into this project at version 0.84 with permission of the author. Updated List: © Institut für Paläontologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Theo Engeser, 1997-2001. All other references are added by Bernd Sahlmann.

The author thanks all collaborators for their help, gift of reprints, files and copies. You are kindly invited to contribute to this project. Feel free to report errors and new entries to be included.

Another free online database on recent scaphopod species and taxa compiled by B. Sahlmann was added recently. His “Scaphopod Compendium” homepage is withdrawn from and transferred to a new site at in the next few weeks. There you will find instructions for the download of the most recent version of the more complex offline scaphopod databases in MS Access-2000 format, additional information on scaphopod molluscs and some pictures of remarkable tusk shells.

Thanks to Vollrath Wiese and his staff from the “Haus der Natur” in Cismar for the transfer of the databases into a web based format and for hosting the files on their server.

The first edition of the online scaphopod reference database has gone online in January, 2005, that of the recent scaphopod taxa in August 2009.

Scaphopoda of the World - Databases

Here you can find a lot of information about tusk shells (Scaphopoda). This class of marine mollusca has a worldwide distribution and is known from all depths as well as from numerous fossil records.

This page will be continously enlarged. Any contributions and comments to the databases are very welcome, please contact B. Sahlmann via

go to the Online Scaphopod References Database

of publications on recent and fossil Dentalium, Cadulus, Gadila, Entalina and other genera of scaphopod molluscs (Mollusca: Scaphopoda). You can perform online searches on papers dealing with scaphopods (more than 4 200 entries). The list was compiled by Bernd Sahlmann and Theo Engeser (© 2005-2010).

go to the Online Scaphopod Species Database

of recent scaphopod taxa (Mollusca Scaphopoda). You can perform online searches of recent species information (more than 900 entries of species names). The list was compiled by Bernd Sahlmann (© 2009-). Its systematic framework was chosen for practical reasons, without any phylogenetic implications.

Please have a look to the readme file.

Communicating author: Dr. Bernd Sahlmann,;
This webpage should be cited as "Scaphopoda of the World - Database (Version: 13.09.2024)"
Page by Haus der Natur - Cismar, contact: Dr. Vollrath Wiese, , technical realization: Christoph Gutknecht,,,